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AaronC AaronC is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. searaydiver
    08-11-2015 10:56 AM
    Hey Aaron, just to follow up, I'm not looking to start up a tourney at this particular juncture. I don't mind at all climbing on board to work out some details for any scuba records. I did have a few initial thoughts that Ill pass on to you. There might be the need to have more than one scuba category. One for shallow.divers, say down to 150fsw. and the other category for deep tech divers that go where a fish has never seen a human. Free divers don't really have this situation so a second classification would not be necessary. The other thing I thought of was boundrys. What do you consider State waters? This could be a real problem. You can travel fifty miles out in the Gulf and not even be to the Grounds yet but travel fifty miles in the Atlantic and you're in the Bahamas! I see the project as very do-able but it will need to be well constructed. I'll be happy to help in any way. Keep in touch.
  2. KeysKid
    03-07-2013 02:35 PM
    Keep up the good work Aaron!
  3. Bass Turd
    01-13-2013 02:20 PM
    Bass Turd
    Hey Aaron! Whats up man? I have not been in the water i nway too long because of vacation and holidays. I'm itchin to get back in there. I will make sure to get a pic of me with a fattie in one of your speared shirts. The Freshwater spearfishing nationals tournament will be held at lake mead this may and I am registered to compete with a buddy of mine. Since I'll be there I was wondering if you wanted to have some sort of representation there in the form of stickers or flyers or whatever. I will be happy to promote your apparel company there. If you have any ideas let me know and we can go from there. Hope all is well.
  4. Bass Turd
    11-15-2012 01:57 AM
    Bass Turd
    Hey Speared!!
    You don't have visitor messgs, which is kind of a bummer. I am new to using spearboard (great social media tool for those of us who love to stick fatties... or dream of it.) so I want to be your first friend! Im a young-ish guy in AZ, done plenty of research on marketing and e commerce love shooting fish too much to try it myself. I give you worlds of kudos for the business venture and wish you all the luck in the world!Make a shirt or 2 for the science geeks who love to shoot fish or for the conservationalist, who... (pm me for ideas). To show I'm not a b.s.er, I want to buy a shirt from y'all. Truth, I want 3,free shipping of course!! Please call me at 928-767-9423 or at my cell which is 315 939-475 I'll make an order! your homepage? the last diver guy? poised at a trigger, is that available on a shirt? If not it should be! If you could take care of the friending me part that would be super. Customer service baby! Owww! These guys are rockstars!!

About Me

  • About AaronC
    Tampa Bay Area
  • Signature

    F.I.I Certified Freedive Level 1 Instructor offering courses in the Tampa Bay area. Private courses also available upon request.


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  • Last Activity: 06-12-2017 12:55 PM
  • Join Date: 11-05-2012


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