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jbsrq jbsrq is offline

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  1. DBobCrane
    12-22-2013 01:53 PM
    Yo I met you at d deck last night. Let's link up when the weather get better.
  2. danyar
    09-14-2012 07:45 AM
    I mostly free dive out 10 or 15 miles. Usually 40-50' few times a week. I will shoot you a text this weekend.

  3. jbsrq
    06-06-2012 07:29 AM
    Absolutely on the shooting fish. If you want to give me a call this evening that would be good. In and out of meetings all day. Around like 6:00pm would be best.
  4. JimmerJammer
    06-06-2012 07:10 AM
    Hey JB thanks for the message, I will definitely be calling you today. I just started last week, was interning for Joe at next-mark for less than a week and they hired me on as soon as I met them. Renzo and Piero are awesome and they were definitely sad to see you go, judging by what they have told me, and apparently they hired some guy David right after you left and he did not work out at all. Let me know what time is best for you as I have a meeting with Joe at 9:30 and will be free after. Thanks


    p.s lets go shoot some fish when the weather gives a little!

About Me

  • About jbsrq
    Freediving, Fishing and Surfing
    Siesta Key, FL
    surfing/shooting fish
    Healthcare Tech Sales
    Make/Model of Boat
    Dusky 227
    Home Port


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-22-2024 10:21 AM
  • Join Date: 01-25-2012


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