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LIfishslayer LIfishslayer is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Qdiver911
    01-30-2013 03:33 PM
    Ed, meeting Rob Murphy for a beverage around dinner time if you are around and as soon as I know where I will post it up. Nice to meet some of you guys down here since my longtime spearo partner Towedjumper transferred to California.
  2. Soaking wet
    09-26-2011 06:42 PM
    Soaking wet
    Hey I miss that spot that spot ( elbow ) ,That's where I shot the `19LB BLACKFISH.
    We also shot a lot of bass too.I'm glad your still diving ,I manage to get wet one in a while.I'm recovering from a eye surgery, I should be back in the water n a month or so.
    Say Hi to Bernie if you get see him.
    Safe diving ,
  3. Soaking wet
    09-26-2011 01:00 PM
    Soaking wet
    Hi ED,
    I don't you rememer me, I dove with Bernie, That's a nice fish you caught, may get more.
    Edwin Ortiz
  4. habitat
    06-09-2011 11:33 AM
    Sent via PM
    06-14-2010 08:46 AM
    Hey Ed,
    I just got your message too late. I was going to try to make it dwn to LI this week or the next. Let me know if you want to shoot some bass for the barbie. Thanks Bud
  6. LIfishslayer
    01-27-2010 11:46 AM
    I live in Flanders. We dive orient most weekends at the start of the season then switch to montauk around july. Where do you usually jump in ?
  7. MKEastCoast
    01-27-2010 03:40 AM
    Hey fishslayer, I live in East Hampton, where are you located??
  8. robcnav284
    08-13-2009 09:12 PM
    Yeah ill definitely go with you i work this Sunday and next but after that i should be free for rest of season. i haven't gotten anything big yet this year biggest bass was only like 38 inches nothing special, i stuck a 7 pound fluke last Thursday that's the only decent thing i've taken.
  9. LIfishslayer
    08-13-2009 12:11 PM
    Diving's been decent so far this summer but not great. I've been diving out of orient most sundays. I just got back from a week in Rhode Island with some friends,we did the Mass Open kayak meet in Newport. It was fun but I didnt put together much of a stringer.If the weathers good this Sunday I'll be doing either Orient or Montauk.Let me know if your interested in going one of these Sundays.
  10. robcnav284
    08-03-2009 08:48 PM
    hey Ed hows diving this summer going?

About Me

  • About LIfishslayer
    LI, NY
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Tri State Skindivers
    Make/Model of Boat
    Parker 1801


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-19-2021 07:22 PM
  • Join Date: 03-10-2009


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