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Moondogie Moondogie is offline

One Breath, One Kill

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
  1. steve-oh
    05-08-2017 10:42 AM
    hey steve, my number is 321-210-3774. gimmi a call
  2. Freedivebuddy
    03-16-2014 12:11 PM
    Hey Steve, I took the butt pad off my Mako to see how a RA would feel and today my chest is bruised black/blue and i ripped my suit. I think I had too much suit slip on my chest or I just don't know wtf I'm doing? I had a hard time keeping it centered on my chest. I tried mounting it with the handle in my stomach also... I'm assuming this is one of those things I will figure out with more practice?
  3. Freedivebuddy
    11-25-2013 08:53 AM
    thanks man... My name is Brian, I live in Orlando area and I drive to Ft Lauderdale area often... (I'm thinking about moving there). Are you a Riffe, Mako or Rob Allen fan?
    u can call or text me when u get that metal rod out of your leg.. ouch! 407/443-7914. Thanks
  4. fishdaddy
    09-12-2013 08:22 AM
    Phone # 954-817-6141
  5. fishdaddy
    09-12-2013 08:22 AM
    phone # 954-817-6141
  6. Soaking wet
    03-30-2013 09:27 AM
    Soaking wet
    I,m going through a few things ,had thing engine checked out,trailer ,House work, cars, and have some issues with old injuries. Have to finish up fixing my old trailer so I can sell it.
    I,m almost done .
    I call you when I go, if you want ,or are available.
  7. anthropisces
    04-22-2012 07:52 PM
    Did you find out about the tourney cost?
  8. motocrunch
    07-16-2011 09:32 PM
    I will keep you in mind I have a few wrecks that I wishI freedove there are always opportunity for cobe and big african pomp give you a shout when things break loose
  9. hogphish
    06-29-2011 10:50 AM
    yup...I voted
  10. Soaking wet
    06-06-2011 11:42 AM
    Soaking wet
    So far it's a go for tomorrow, I'll see you at 5:30 Home Depot.

About Me

  • About Moondogie
    Age 31
    West Melbourne, Fl
    Diving, bowhunting, adventuring, meat processing
    mechanical engineer
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Palm Beach Freedivers
    Make/Model of Boat
    shameless boat whore
  • Signature


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-04-2024 10:58 AM
  • Join Date: 06-11-2009


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