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slingshaft slingshaft is offline

Hunter, Gatherer

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 72
  1. agbiv
    06-11-2018 06:56 PM
    Hey! We have a new Granddaughter--Rosalind Marylee--3 weeks old. Our boys, Avre(10) and AJ(9) are learning to snorkel quite well. AJ wants to spearfish but he's not ready yet--maybe end of summer or next Spring. How are y'all?
  2. Marcus
    12-30-2016 02:37 PM
    I don't utilize this part of the forum but just happened to see your message. What's this about a surfer pic? This one? http://i.imgur.com/kaxqdfS.jpg
    Just copy and paste it.
  3. Charliex
    09-15-2016 08:08 PM
    Sorry did check my message until now. Gloucester rockport area and what about you?
  4. kingfisherflesh
    07-14-2016 10:12 AM
    Done! We have much to discuss
  5. AlexbeeintheUK
    07-08-2016 10:52 AM
    Hey Kerry, yea we head out there regularly - once the swell drops
    Are you making t over to Barbados anytime soon?
    06-06-2016 07:39 PM
    Yea born n raised on the big Island I have got to dive at all yet I am building a small 34 inch gun for the jetties I have a 120 but I think it's to big where ever your down this way and didn't mind a tag along I would like to go
    10-30-2015 02:35 PM
    Hey dude I'm back home didn't check spear board while I was recovering from surgery! Come down to corpus welcome anytime!
  8. riggdright
    10-06-2015 09:30 AM
    Hey Kerry,

    I moved to SA just over a year ago, I'm grew up working on boats fishing and Diving in Florida and the Caribbean and need to get back in the water. You seem like you know the area well and was wondering if you could lend a hand in pointing me in the right direction.

    Thanks a bunch
  9. Playacar
    07-09-2015 01:19 PM
    Hey Kerry, no unfortunately I haven't' speared down there since I was a kid. I grew up in Playa del Carmen, how I would love to move back!
  10. cancunspearo
    11-28-2014 10:37 AM
    kerry!! man im so ashamed with you i havent been able to meet you!! i was out of town man just arrived yesturday where can i contact you??

About Me

  • About slingshaft
    YOUTUBE Studio 14 Hundred Talent Team (Kraft)
    San Antonio, Texas
    Spearfishing, Singing
    Vocal Coordinator Capital 1 Entertainment Group: Studio 14Hundred Recording Engineer,Production.
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    Yamaha Waverunner, set up for spearing
    Home Port
    Port Aransas Tx.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-17-2023 10:22 AM
  • Join Date: 02-16-2007


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 23

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