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Mattedhead Mattedhead is offline

Matt Head

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. BeeSB
    07-22-2015 12:40 PM
    Hey bud,

    I'm headed to Sayulita with my girlfriend for her brother's wedding. I'm thinking of bringing my 55" Wong and am looking for some tips on easy access if you have any.

    Shore dive locations, boat rentals off the beach like I think you or someone mentioned in the Sayulita thread.

    If you have an equipment recommendation I'd be interested in that too - floatline? Float? Or maybe just the gun if shorediving or nearshore boat access won't buy me much.

    I wasn't going to think about spearing down there, but girlfriend's dad was suddenly amped on the idea so I'm thinking yes. I fly out tomorrow 9am.

    Thanks for your insights,

    - Brian

    PS: what's the fishing license situation like down there?
  2. mauispearfisher
    10-08-2013 10:03 PM
    Hey brotha the paint job is sick, im suure everyone would appreciate a how-to for the bw paint job
  3. Manootgop
    05-23-2012 06:45 AM
    Do you miss your Omer Cobra130? What gun do you think is better overall? -Tim in Guam
  4. robcnav284
    07-14-2009 10:09 AM
    ok thanks, thought i might have some use for it but its a little to big for where i dive, thanks though good luck with the sale
  5. robcnav284
    07-14-2009 09:42 AM
    what tip is on threaded shaft and how long is gun with shaft on it? thanks beautiful gun tryign not to pass up
  6. robcnav284
    07-13-2009 05:11 PM
    hey will you take 350 for gun? if so i can send money tomorrow.. thanks
    04-28-2009 09:05 PM
    What is LDC? Are they adaptable to any gun?

About Me

  • About Mattedhead
    They call me tater salad
    Graveyard of the Atlantic
    assuming my role as human boat fender
    Defense Industry by day, Magazine Art Director / Designer by night
    Spearfishing Clubs
    One Man Wolfpack
    Make/Model of Boat
    168" McKee....aka McNasty
    Home Port
    Wrightsville Beach


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-27-2020 03:19 PM
  • Join Date: 05-08-2006

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