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redrumintl redrumintl is offline


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  1. redrumintl
    05-13-2016 01:14 PM
    Thank You for your advice! I am excited for the trip and shall put this knowledge to use
  2. mjmoore83
    05-07-2016 01:25 PM
    You were asking about the Abacos. Just ask around, if you go to green turtle Ask for Chris at Brendals dive shop, you can hire him and he can show you the area. Tip him well and get him a beer and he will show you some good spots. Tip your dock hands and ask questions, b s a bit with the local fishermen. No one will tell you good spots you have to put in time or money for that. And don't talk about harvesting starfish. If you are not going to eat it don't kill it; statements like that make those in the spear fishing community look bad. As for conch go anywhere where there is lots of current and heavy grass. They are everywhere just make sure they are big. No use taking just legal ones, they take a long time to grow and the locals won't like you cleaning baby conch on their table. I assume you don't know how to clean them since you don't know where to find them pay a local to clean them for you and save the mess and time for someone else. I hope this helps.

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    Fishing & Spearfishing Apparel
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    Red Rum International
    (727) 599-3181
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  • Last Activity: 06-22-2021 09:51 AM
  • Join Date: 10-19-2014

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