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David Deman David Deman is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. dkcarter22
    01-10-2014 11:03 AM
    i could give you 450 if you would ship it to me in california
  2. Dhong24
    08-04-2013 06:47 PM
    Is your Real Sea wetsuit still available? If so are you willing to sell it for $100 and i'll pay for shipping to SoCal?
  3. Ryanfish
    11-17-2012 01:36 PM
    Ya that was my second choice how much?
  4. chaseJax
    10-20-2012 09:06 AM
    Theres a group of guys that freedive out of Jax. Small but good, safe group. Ill keep you posted when we go out. My names Chase and I'm the only one in the group with the boat currently. Whats depth are you comfortable in?
  5. MAKO Spearguns
    06-27-2011 10:30 AM
    MAKO Spearguns
    Hey David,
    Thanks for the reply. By the way, I forgot to thank your wife for everything she does as well. The sacrafices made by the families of our servicemen and women are often overlooked. So, please tell her I said, "THANKS"!
  6. Coydog
    06-16-2011 01:18 PM
    heard you were deploying again soon, stay safe and don't hesitate to ask, at least me, for a care package. May be able to get you some powdered drink and jerky if you want it.
  7. PrincessSlaya!
    12-08-2009 01:53 PM
    Okay Just checkin! I hope to see you soon again. I think Nate maybe planniing a trip towards the end of the month? You should come
  8. PrincessSlaya!
    12-08-2009 09:17 AM
    I feel rejected. You come visit and I never hear from you?
  9. cammackattack
    06-10-2009 02:37 PM
    Well let me look into my funds and I will let u know
  10. cammackattack
    06-10-2009 12:26 AM
    ill give you 150 shipped if needed where are you located

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  • Last Activity: 05-15-2024 06:45 PM
  • Join Date: 01-01-2007


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