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louis1981 louis1981 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. sailcrazy
    07-28-2009 08:48 AM
    hey whats your number? i lost my phone a few days ago. we need to go divin again soon
  2. PrincessSlaya!
    04-09-2009 05:33 PM
    I don't hear any smack talkin??????
  3. PrincessSlaya!
    04-08-2009 07:58 AM
    Louis.... Silly Boy! Of course, I would understand if you want to skip it. But seeing you don't actual swim that much , I would say let lock and load! Saturday we are ready for you! Welcome home!
  4. OceanEd
    04-08-2009 07:42 AM

    We now have the manuals for the the Handicapped Scuba Dive Buddy class in the shop. If you are taking the course please stop by and pick up your manual and read it before the class starts on Wednesday evening the 15th. It will save us hours of time if everyone had read the manual in advance.

    Thank You

    Stephen Metcalf
  5. PrincessSlaya!
    03-16-2009 04:20 PM
    Up & Down - We were in and out. No deco just a safety stop! Got our fish and got out of dodge.
  6. PrincessSlaya!
    03-09-2009 06:07 PM
    Lmao..... You are silly, Man!
  7. PrincessSlaya!
    03-06-2009 11:31 AM
  8. louis1981
    03-05-2009 11:23 PM
    what is the date?
  9. PrincessSlaya!
    03-05-2009 03:34 PM
    It is on in April, Right?????


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  • Last Activity: 10-09-2013 09:57 PM
  • Join Date: 11-03-2008


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