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aquaMaureen aquaMaureen is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. anthropisces
    11-04-2012 11:58 AM
    Hey Maureen, Its Tom. Someone said you found a gun recently. Was it by any chance a RA 130 with green reflective stickers?
  2. Dwikkles
    03-09-2011 03:26 PM
  3. justing1223
    12-09-2009 12:09 AM
    Hey there, I have a quick question or to for ya.

    I talked to you mom at the west palm open, and she spoke of you being in the bahamas. My question is.... Im planning on booking a flight out of lauderdale to spend a week during new years over there, and could really use a little helpful advice. Ive lived in Florida my whole life, and have never made a trip over there! Whats the most accessable island that you could recommend for doing a few days of spearing? Should I pay a local to take me around the local reefs? Any help would be awesome Maureen! Take care.
  4. condog
    06-09-2009 07:48 AM
    we went this weekend alls that happend was chase missed a big grouper (nothing new). Out of town this w/e. So we will have to go swim next w/e
  5. condog
    06-03-2009 09:41 AM
    Hello Aqua, you going blastin this weekend. Maybe we should team our killing forces
  6. aquaMaureen
    04-15-2009 08:10 PM
    My gills are drying out.. Must seek waterrr
  7. PrincessSlaya!
    03-31-2009 10:04 AM
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hugs & Kisses
  8. PrincessSlaya!
    03-27-2009 10:04 AM
    I will try. What do you want for your B-day? Beside that 20 pnd Gag!!!! XOXOXO
  9. clearnhouse
    03-20-2009 08:10 PM
    whats up friend =) ...... lol maybe you should come up here and dive with the grady crew if you get a chance
  10. reef roamer
    03-18-2009 06:43 AM
    reef roamer
    i kinda like that picture alot also

About Me

  • About aquaMaureen
    Gotta want it!
    Tequesta, Fl
    Yacht Maintanance
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    BK Special
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  • Signature
    - Maureen

    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-01-2017 06:54 PM
  • Join Date: 09-13-2008


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 20

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