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Shooter Dan Shooter Dan is offline

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  1. Shooter Dan
    05-21-2010 12:10 PM
    Shooter Dan
    If you ever need a commercial hand on deck, let me know. I run The Melting Pot, but prior did trips to the Middle Grounds on the Jolly Rogers, Reality Check, Mother Fisher and a few others. USCG license, but I'll be renewing that this yr. Run with redundant systems, but sling the steel. I've been relocated back home to Jax the past 4yrs. Flats Fish on my days and nights for tarpon and cobia with the weather is right. Come see me up at the Pot, 9A & Gate Pkwy. If you have someone special, Bring them and request lover's lane. Do make a reservation or just stop over for a cocktail. Peace.

    813-505-3826 cell
  2. capthoke
    10-21-2009 08:10 PM
    shit sorry again
    It was 31 lbs gutted weighed at C&C fisheries
  3. capthoke
    10-21-2009 08:06 PM
    shooter Dan
    I just found where you sent me a question back in april. I'm don't really know how to work this part of the board.

    that fish i shot with a pronger on the big stack of culverts in the main14 15 area.
    Sorry it took so long to reply

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  • Last Activity: 06-12-2018 07:43 PM
  • Join Date: 09-25-2002


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