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Superfrog Superfrog is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Superfrog
    03-18-2014 01:03 PM
    5mm Esclapez Labrax from the freedive shop. My old suit was so stiff and old. I need to get a new suit every year!
  2. fish impaler
    03-16-2014 05:02 PM
    fish impaler
    Nice, that old one was pretty compressed down, did you go 5, or 7?
  3. Superfrog
    03-16-2014 11:52 AM
    thanks, but i would be too smoked at work monday! diving was really cool yesterday, my new suit is crazy warm!
  4. fish impaler
    03-16-2014 02:55 AM
    fish impaler
    can go on the earlier side if that works better for you, sunset is at 7 though.
  5. Superfrog
    03-16-2014 02:49 AM
    yikes! let me know, but thats kinda late!
  6. fish impaler
    03-16-2014 02:42 AM
    fish impaler
    LA, not sure on time yet, probably between 6-8.
  7. Superfrog
    03-16-2014 02:35 AM
    What time? Are you diving SB or down south???
  8. fish impaler
    03-16-2014 02:16 AM
    fish impaler
    hey Andrew, been pretty busy with school. If you want to go after some bugs tomorrow night, I think i'm going out, vis probably won't be too good, but the season is ending soon...
  9. JimmyJam
    03-10-2009 01:54 PM
    lets be friends!

  10. JimmyJam
    03-10-2009 01:53 PM
    Dude I saw you on sparky's friend list


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  • Last Activity: 06-27-2018 02:23 AM
  • Join Date: 07-29-2007


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