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Daryl Wong Daryl Wong is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 45
  1. Pinky LJ
    09-02-2010 12:36 PM
    Pinky LJ
    Hey Daryl, Thanks for the guns, they are beautiful. I am looking forward to using them. Thanks LJ
  2. speargunhunter
    08-27-2010 01:26 AM
    Just wanted to say thanks, you and your guns are the best. Dive Safe! Tony and LJ
  3. Daryl Wong
    06-10-2010 12:12 PM
    Daryl Wong
    Hi Matt,

    Just got back from the expo. Caught a nasty cold. I always do. It was a blast. Over a 1300 people and vendors from around the world. Talked to the guy that makes the beautiful CF guns that Rick copied. He came over to me booth and wanted to meet me. He said Rick sweet talked him and used my name to get him to sell only a barrel. He said he knows I had nothing to do with Rick copying his gun. It was very nice conversation and we'll be keeping in touch. He wants to see if I can make shafts for his guns. He said Aimrite is known all over europe as the american company that copies. Isn't that funny! Now why would anyone think that! He said most europeans know I no longer associate with Aimrite and that I wasn't the one who copied. I was worried about something like that. I talked to quite a few of the european guys and it was very enlightening to see what they thought of our products. we'll talk when you get back.
  4. Smudge
    06-07-2010 08:52 AM
    Right now? Somewhere in the Western Pacific! We just left Borneo last week and won't pull in anywhere for a few weeks. Our only other stop has been Singapore and I didn't really have any time off there. Should be back in Hawaii the middle of July sometime. Not sure how much time off I'm going to have. It's going to busy over the next few months. I should find out in a couple of weeks where I'm going to get stationed in March! Still hoping for Hawaii, but San Diego is more likely!

    Hopefully when I get back I get some time to dive!! Missing the water even though I'm completely surrounded by it!! Have fun at the Expo and say hello to everyone!! Talk to you soon!

  5. haliseeker
    05-28-2010 05:05 PM
    Hey Daryl , I've heard of you doing alot for the spearing community and I've seen you help out many people on the board and one of the guys in our apnea clinic in S.D. And i just wanted to let you know when i evolve into a wood gun I will be contacting you or hopefully Mark at the spear shack will be carrying them by then . Take care and keep up the beautiful and deadly work .
  6. Daryl Wong
    11-28-2009 07:08 PM
    Daryl Wong
    Aloha Dave,

    If you have a 55in gun and shooting a 5/16 shaft, then it would be a 60in 5/16 barbd shaft. Lou makes the shafts for me. Depending on the amount of over hang you want, you could use the 50 in or 57 in shaft in 5/16.
    I just got back from Japan. Had a blast. Hopeyou have a great holiday season too!

  7. ArmorDave
    11-28-2009 08:14 AM
    Hi Darryl,
    We lost a shaft when the (reel) line broke. We might have let the line get too old.
    I think Lou Bonsey can make me another shaft. can you tell me what the proper size and length should be and what type/size of line you recommend for the reel? Would braided line worK?

    Happy holidays.
  8. Daryl Wong
    03-05-2009 04:00 AM
    Daryl Wong
    Aloha Tyler,

    Yes I know Drew. Nice guy and I have a great picture of him with two nice stripers on the website. keep in touch.
  9. NJtonka
    03-04-2009 08:34 PM
    Aloha Daryl,
    Thanks for the advice. il be sure to check those spots out. Drew Edson is dive buddy of mine. I think you may know him.

    Aloha, Tyler
  10. Daryl Wong
    03-04-2009 12:38 PM
    Daryl Wong
    Aloha Eric,

    Bands didn't come with the gun at the expo. Didn't have time to make a set. I use 9/16 bands 27,28,29 in. or if you want more power, 26,27,28, 9/16. Bill Mac's in town so have been meeting up for dinner. Let me knw when you come through.


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  • About Daryl Wong
    Honolulu Hawaii


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  • Last Activity: 06-24-2013 07:40 PM
  • Join Date: 07-25-2006


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