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PrincessSlaya! PrincessSlaya! is offline

Just Simply Laura

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 52
  1. David Deman
    12-08-2009 01:44 PM
    David Deman
    I've been sooooo busy since then. I work 6 days a week, from 10 at night til like 6 in the morning. I still lova ya!
  2. rojodiablo
    12-07-2009 05:25 PM
    If you want her to call you Pretty- you don't have to say 'please'!!!!! She already says that about you all the time.
  3. rojodiablo
    12-07-2009 04:53 PM
    Will do; what do you want me to have her call you???!!!
  4. Louis Rossignol
    12-01-2009 06:31 PM
    Louis Rossignol
    I had one, I posted it too, but took it down before you kicked my ass. Divehoe. I don't know why, it's the first thing that came to mind.

    I just put some new bands on that woody magnum, 2 22's and 1 24. That thing is gonna be a mini cannon, until Guy sends me the longer gun, that will be the mega cannon.
  5. rojodiablo
    12-01-2009 09:48 AM
    Well, if I wasn't taken, I'd steal your fish for sure!!!!
  6. rojodiablo
    12-01-2009 09:28 AM
    Ahh, the infamous user name change...... I was thinking to change mine because of the same program, and was thinking "NoMoDiablo."

    But I am Polish, and I would forget who I am!!!
  7. Kelsea
    10-20-2009 04:30 PM
    Well, if its not coral and jellyfish, I keep finding itchy stuff on land and in the water! (Scratches furiously) lol!

    Yeah, I'll try to bring my Polish Pineapple to FL someday - Scuba tanks confuse him, so part of the trip may be freediving only but the rest of the time I'd love to push some serious depth on gas. Btw - we cooked up the mangrove and spiny bugs from FL this weekend while hunting in the mountains... YE GODS we had a great feast! I am going to shoot the heck out of those snappers the next time I am back - that is one great tasting fish!
  8. dive4bugz
    10-20-2009 09:33 AM
    Hi Laura, Randy here... I need you to call me ASA u get this message. My office is 954-308-7381 and my cell is 954-651-3216. Im getting us set up with a ride for the KLO and spoke with John Biggs regarding your being our 4th teammate... TTYS
  9. rojodiablo
    10-15-2009 03:56 PM
    Yes, she has more spots than a speckled grouper!!! I keep scolding her- "Stop that! Stop scratching! HEY! TTtttt...." We got some calamine lotion for her last night, turned her legs pale pink! That crazy girl is telling ME how great it would be to go to FLA together...austensibly so I can be attacked by jellyfish too! She knows I am a sucker for her, so we will see what happens next spring.
  10. DiveGal
    09-01-2009 02:52 PM
    I MISS LAURA!!!!!! Soon...

About Me

  • About PrincessSlaya!
    I have been diving for years, Just got sick of seing everyone hunt. So, I am doing something about it
    Lk Worth
    scuba diving & Spear fishing,Sking , anything outside except mowing the lawn!
    Insur. Specialist
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    Who ever will have me
    Home Port
    Where the heart is.
  • Signature
    "Always behave like a duck keep calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath."

    A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't.

    I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They know me here.



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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-24-2021 01:23 PM
  • Join Date: 05-30-2006


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