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brandon cadalzo brandon cadalzo is offline

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  1. kavachi
    03-19-2018 12:55 AM
    just drop Mario an email at
    with what you need and he'll advise $ and Paypal details.
    post took two weeks to Australia
  2. elnino1217
    08-16-2015 09:21 PM
    i sent u a text
    06-12-2015 10:16 PM
    I trade Aaron my new Riffe Metal O for the spear.
    I am in Southern California, so this is how mine is set up:

    2 four foot sections of pole plus either 12" or 24 " shaft. That is the beauty of this pole, you can choose to alter the shaft, Any old shaft will work, just use a grinder to make the groove for pole fitting.
    So in the kelp, I shoot 8 foot pole plus 2 foot shaft. It's a harpoon!!

    For rockfish, halibut, I shoot the 12" shaft

    I made a foregrip: 400lb mono wrapped spirally, and put electrical tape on ends. Then covered with green diamond shrink wrap (rod building tackle store have it). The president of our club got a 27 lb, Barracuda in Texas - new World Record, Look up Jeremy Caulkins World record and you will see my Crist. It just takes time to get used to the weight. I also just put a crab pot clip on the end so I could attach it to kelp to rest.

    I would think twice about selling it. or just e-mail Aaron Crist in Arizona, he is very helpful
  4. tbag
    07-24-2014 02:32 PM
    Alright im contacting you for a friend of mine thats looking to upgrade, ill let him know and get back to you asap. but if you get a buyer before then, dont hold it for me. if you want to text me some pics of it i can send to him id appreciate it. number is 3059231229. thanks a lot
  5. tbag
    07-24-2014 12:07 PM
    Hey man I was wondering where you were located and if your RA was still for sale? Just wondering whether I can pick up or if it would require shipping. Very interested. Thanks a lot
  6. sticknrelease
    03-18-2014 04:47 PM
    The Delta is a lot easier to rest on than the Reef. The Reef will float about 50 lbs, but has a tendency to sort of roll when you hang on it. The Reef is more streamlined, so a little easier to tow around and through weeds and things like that. The Delta has 2 bladders inside, so even if you pop one, you still have a float.
    The Delta is my favorite for saltwater, it will handle really big fish, and I've used it to boogie board through some nasty shore break surf.
    Both floats have two straps across them made from 1"webbing with FasTex buckles to strap gear on. The float line is typically attached via stainless steel screw link to the sewn webbing loop on the front of the float. That loop runs continuously through the bottom of the float to the rear loop in case you want to run multiple floats in series.

    Let me know if you want me to send a paypal invoice when you decide on your float, or if you have any more questions.

    Thank you,

    Justin Fox

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  • Last Activity: 11-01-2024 04:54 PM
  • Join Date: 08-23-2010

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