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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
  1. JGrant
    11-18-2020 02:42 PM
    Whats up Joe!
    Had a crazy summer...was surfing Malibu with me son in Sept and felt like i couldn't catch me breath. I thought I had covid because the neighborhood I was working in was full of it.
    Went to Ucla SM and had 99% occlusion in my RCA...It was gnarly Joe!!!
    Anyway Im good, have been diving and surfing since, but I think Im gonna be retiring sooner than later lol
    Ive lost your cell# with my old phone, lets talk soon
  2. Rich45
    07-20-2020 07:06 AM
    .Now is the time to go...Large schools of big Bluefin just below San Clemente Island and west of the 43 bank....spread over a large area, so, pass the boat clusters and find your own schools of fish...plus, if you are after the big ones, they don't like boat crowds..
  3. Rich45
    07-20-2020 07:05 AM
    Large schools of big Bluefin just below San Clemente Island and west of the 43 bank....spread over a large area, so, pass the boat clusters and find your own schools of fish...plus, if you are after the big ones, they don't like boat crowds..
  4. Rich45
    08-14-2017 11:01 AM
    go to WORK
  5. weso
    04-26-2017 11:17 PM
    Yea we were to close and I told him. I'm gonna try to save some funds next few years and buy a 2120 Parker or something similar. Just bought the wife a nice Honda van for the three boys. Seems like I do more turning down to friends with boats than anything just busy with with boys getting older.
  6. weso
    09-11-2016 11:13 PM
    Kitchen done been looking at alot of boats gonna go check this one out sat. How you been lately? Any diving trips recently http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/boa/5773586833.html[/IMG]
  7. weso
    02-26-2016 12:10 AM
    sunday kayak dive county line I will be there ventura getting pounded with swell
    08-12-2014 12:05 AM
    spearing forum dot com
  9. grummy
    08-08-2014 01:01 PM
    Hay Joe, what was the name of the group we talked about on the phone? i was looking for it and i don't remember the name. Was it Spearfishing net?
  10. Mako dog
    11-30-2013 08:51 PM
    Mako dog
    That sounds good. There's nothing wrong with it? I'm coming down this next week.i live in morro bay. Grew up in carp. I wasn't trying to low ball you, I know they are 2000 new. 800 is what I have. I was saving for a Wong. But if I can have a seasniper for a grand 1000 sounds awsome.

    Thanks Will

About Me

  • About WESTBURY
    Ojai, CA
    Make/Model of Boat
    Steigercraft 255
    Home Port
  • Signature
    "Dude, I just saw a fifty pounder!"


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-05-2024 12:36 AM
  • Join Date: 02-27-2005


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