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Soaking wet Soaking wet is offline

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  1. bernard finnert
    08-18-2016 04:16 PM
    bernard finnert
    Eddie do not have your cell! Bernie
  2. Soaking wet
    02-26-2013 10:40 PM
    Soaking wet
    Hi,I'm waiting for a good day to get out, keep in touch.
    That was a good size Sheephead.The lobster too.
  3. Vengeance Bros.
    02-26-2013 10:16 PM
    Vengeance Bros.
    Got your message! I've been busy around the house and with work...and hoping for vis - Got a bunch of nice lobsters a few weeks ago and some fish... Shot a gigantic 25 1/2" sheepshead and got a 10 lb bug same day - I'll drop by someday soon - Been makin' alot of trips to Home depot out by you - Until then take care Eddie!
  4. Vengeance Bros.
    02-08-2013 06:58 PM
    Vengeance Bros.
    Hey Eddie I'm one of those special people who can't do private messaging anymore! Looks like you haven't logged on in awhile buddy - Hope all is well with you. Been getting my bugs and fish last few weeks with this clean water! Get at me!
  5. Imabassman
    06-04-2012 04:39 PM
    Eddie, I was in Boston for a year and half. Ive been back on Long Island for 2 years. Bernie told you I quit diving?! No way, I still dive, just not with Bernie so much anymore. I prefer to go to Rhode Island and dive from my Kayak. RI fish seasons and limits are better. Plan to head to montauk and do some diving out there over the summer as well. hope all is well. Cheers! kj
    05-03-2012 12:14 AM
    after 10 is perfect - I'll be up in that area of PB anyways then most likely!
    05-01-2012 10:07 PM
    I may stop by tomorrow Eddie!
    04-01-2012 10:08 PM
    Hey Eddie got your message today - I WISH I could make it - Should be really good conditions - I hear it was today as well - Storms kicked up the swell in mere minutes yesterday - Lots of people taking big crevalle jacks! I was out for a few hour yesterday and saw a few schools of nice jacks (so the big bull sharks will soon be in with them) but I didn't shoot any - and saw some spanish macs too but had my safety on! - Was diving on some huge rays hoping for cobes.... Nothing - Spent some time rooting for lobster too - Nothing.... still a good time :0) As is every time - Water was pretty warm as well!

    Good luck and stay safe - Lets go out later this week maybe??? I got nothin' so far after Tuesday for this week! I still need to wet-sand starboard gunnel too!
    03-09-2012 11:15 PM
    Busy busy week with too many visitors! I'll call in the AM and set up a date for the gunnels!
  10. Soaking wet
    12-27-2011 01:52 PM
    Soaking wet
    Dan , I was thinking to go out Frii or Sat from Ft Pierce, If your game let me know.
    Have you been diving? I wonder what vis is ?

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    Palm Bay, FL
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  • Last Activity: 09-30-2020 01:02 PM
  • Join Date: 05-14-2007


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