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mrw mrw is offline

My wurst is my best

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Holtzfaeller
    04-24-2015 08:07 AM
    Hey mark....jack hagerty here. Very nice to have met u Kelly and the girls...and your buddies. Thanx for having moe and me as your guests.
    Listen, I left a frying pan cover(oval in shape) glass, on your table... Am hoping Kelly or u can send it to John Michael Hagerty...PO BOX 302...Orleans , MA. 02653.

    Thank you and my best to you all.
  2. Qdiver911
    08-04-2012 07:52 PM
    Mark, I meant Mark but was talking to mike about getting fish from Mark and the guys. Make sense now that I'm overworked and mildly retarded!!
  3. mrw
    08-03-2012 10:49 AM
    Mike, Mark, who cares really . . .
  4. Qdiver911
    08-03-2012 08:18 AM
    Mike, if fish donations are made for the food pantry from competitors would it be possible to get them to your house and I can pick them up Monday am? Any help would be appreciated. I refuse to pay one of my guys to drive down there when The Network of us has worked so well in doing this. Let me know and I will be there with a few hundred lbs ice and a few coolers ok. Thanks Teddy O
  5. mrw
    03-29-2012 11:39 PM
    Pretty easy really. I have pic's from when I took apart my C1 last year to oil it, see if I can't dig them out for you - or come over and you can look at it yourself. And you can touch my new Ulusub and freshly redone Bubba Speargun . . .
  6. erk
    03-29-2012 09:18 PM
    hey mark going to buy a riffe c2 and was wondering how hard is it to modify it to a mid handle like you did on your c1
    thanks erk
  7. Mike_C
    06-10-2011 10:13 AM
    Thanks on the stuffie pic, I was born and raised on Coles River (your closest boat ramp) neighbor so I quahog and clam my ass off.

  8. mrw
    06-08-2011 05:14 PM
    Cool, swing by tomorrow morning and you can beat it out of me - or I'll give it to you and mebbe a jar of hooch for your trouble ;^)
  9. Muzzy
    06-08-2011 04:31 PM
    It was Gabe, ill give it to him for you. Then ill shake you down for it. Lol

About Me

  • About mrw
    Big, dumb, old guy that likes to swim with fishes --- and eat them!
    Spearfishing, wreck diving & 4 wheeling
    Bit slinger, networking guru
    Spearfishing Clubs
    was RIFC, now Team XXL
    Make/Model of Boat
    25' Grady w/300 Yamaha
    Home Port
    Trailer, where ever I want
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-27-2018 05:14 PM
  • Join Date: 07-04-2007


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