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tw1012 tw1012 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. tw1012
    06-14-2010 12:45 PM
    pretty dirty, I would suggest joining Hilton fishing charts, its $200 a year but worth it. John will walk you through how to use it and the best feature is the water clarity chart that shows you exactly where the bluewater line is.
  2. wlkconsulting
    06-12-2010 09:18 PM
    Hey there...I just joined a local boat club and will be leaving out of Galveston on a 26 with twins as often as I can...Week days though...I know you guys hit the far rigs but How has the vis and action been on the closer rigs with in 10 to 30 miles out?...Dirty or worth diving...Also have you been seeing any sea weed pads worth diving with in this range? I can go farther than 30 miles but will be taking it slow as I am new to navigating the gulf...any help on this would be great...Don’t worry, Id never ask for your honey holes
  3. wlkconsulting
    06-10-2010 05:40 PM
    Nice report..How many miles did you guys go out..thanks
  4. tw1012
    05-17-2010 02:13 PM
    Starns Island is usually pretty clear but vis on a good day is only 10-15ft. Windy point and the end of the penninsula at mansfield dam park are pretty fishy
  5. wlkconsulting
    05-17-2010 01:15 PM
    Hey there. any tips on some good dive spots with the best vis at Travis...We live in spring tx but looking to come out that way this summer...looking to train my son...Will be renting a boat...thanks in advance
  6. Bloody Shaft
    10-22-2009 09:12 AM
    Bloody Shaft
  7. Devildiver
    07-20-2009 12:23 AM

    My name is Casey. I may end up in Cozumel this December and I'm trying to figure out how hard it will be to get out and spearfish. I know it can be done, but I'm not sure if the benefits outweigh the hassle.

    If you're willing, i'd love to hear about what it's like down there. What species can be targeted, how much it costs to get out away from the parks, etc.



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  • About tw1012
    Austin Texas


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  • Last Activity: 09-08-2019 06:50 PM
  • Join Date: 06-27-2007

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