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Miamispear Miamispear is offline

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  1. Kruton
    10-29-2015 03:50 AM
    Hey man the Koah blue water set up available?
  2. Ray Odor
    01-28-2012 06:48 PM
    Ray Odor
    How do you get the rust off of your shafts???

    That's easy, just order your Hardened Spring Stainless Steel shafts from Ray Odor.

    Ray Odor Diving Service
    2527 E. 149th. Ave.
    Lutz, Fl.33559 Ph. 813-971-3368
    "You can always get the shaft from Ray"
  3. IrieSpearo
    05-26-2009 07:54 AM
    I lost your phone #
  4. marine_jor
    03-21-2009 02:50 PM
    Hey MiamiSpear:

    It was nice talking to you earlier today, the plan sounds good, let's stay in touch, I senty you several e-mails, we'll talk soon
  5. c.lathe
    03-10-2009 09:34 PM
    I am still in the Pacific, yes, for another year. I am in Yap state, on an outer island in the Ulithi Atoll, which is in Micronesia (:P say that three times fast.) What program/company are you applying through? What do you want to do? From what I have heard the Marshalls have some good spearing grounds, although I've never been there myself, and the Marshalls cover a decent area, so there are bound to be locational differences; example, the island I live on in the atoll has horrid fishing, but a 10 minute boat ride will take me to the most amazing fishing I've ever seen. Saipan, from what I understand, is a lot like Guam... totally pillaged. I think I remember Finbreaker saying that he had been out in Saipan a few times, so you may want to PM him and ask about that, he may have first-hand experience. It's amazing how different every island is in the pacific, even islands that are 10 miles apart, which makes life amazing. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else!

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  • Last Activity: 03-27-2023 09:30 AM
  • Join Date: 02-02-2006


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