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growingupninja growingupninja is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. malibujohn
    07-11-2015 10:39 PM
    was unbelievable today!! give a buzz when you can
  2. Seymour
    08-27-2014 10:43 PM
    I spray my bruce anchor with paint I use for rebar. It is epoxy spray paint and it comes in green. Easy to touch up.
  3. hatterasdive06
    12-12-2013 11:24 AM
    Hi there -

    I saw a post you made about Playa and wanted to see if you could provide me with some more information. I am planning a trip down there in a week (staying in Tulum), and wanted to book a spearfishing trip. I am also planning to take my speargun (do you know if I can check it and get it through customs?) to do some spearing off the beach - do you know if this is possible around Tulum?

    Thanks so much for your help.

    All the best,
  4. Ryanfish
    12-01-2013 12:11 AM
    Hey lance. I just read some posts you wrote in the pendulum diving thread and had a few questions. I freedive regularly on the east coast 3-4 days a week sometimes commercially. I'm starting to fall in love with really deep hunting 100+ and am having difficulty getting reliable info on technique for this type of diving. Seems like people either swing strongly towards float line or towards reel. Curious as to your opinion? All of our diving is done in current. Some of the Aussies I've spoke to religiously use a float line and have a buddy feed it to them. Whereas the Europeans I've spoke to such as Demetri from Deep recommend a reel even at 130+. But they have no current to contend with. Any opinions? Also on surface interval I try very hard to do at least 5 min between 100 foot dives but know 8 min is recommended. Any insight and knowledge is greatly appreciated. I'm fairly young and new to the competitive freediving and spearfishing world.
  5. Xavier808
    06-12-2013 04:53 PM
    hey man sorry i didn't get back to you soon enough I had work and other stuff. hope the diving was good
  6. Nordy
    07-03-2011 03:32 PM
    Sorry I didnt respond to your texts. Ive got an old school flip phone and it takes me forever to text. GLad to hear you had a good time out here. Did you end up shooting anything? Next time youre out let me know and well try and get together and if I get stationed in CA Ill let you know.

About Me

  • About growingupninja
    My earliest memories are swimming in the ocean in Malaysia; grew up inland and swam competitively for over decade, all the way into college, etc. Relocated to Los Angeles as an adult. I'm done racing but I love freediving and spearing...
    Los Angeles
  • Signature

    For PFI Freediving classes in the Los Angeles area: http://www.socalspearit.com/freedving-classes
    YouTube channel: SoCal Spear-It https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCme...kaUpPMG4NX1rKg


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-10-2021 07:47 PM
  • Join Date: 03-11-2011


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