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kjm1022 kjm1022 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. sfkworcester
    05-23-2014 10:35 AM
    I bartend a few days a week. Every Thursday and Friday during the day. I used to be there more often but I started at cask n Flagon in Boston
  2. sfkworcester
    05-14-2014 08:24 AM
    Saw you were from Marlboro always like to meet spearos from the area. I actually work at Allora on rt 20 in Marlboro
  3. mrw
    06-16-2011 03:09 PM
    Didn't make it... Kids, wife and work all conspired against me,
  4. mrw
    06-15-2011 11:27 PM
    Hey Kevin, if you wind up at Kings thursday hopefully I'll see you. I'm shooting for 8:30 (if I can get the kids moving).
  5. Qdiver911
    06-14-2011 12:30 PM
    Kevin,my heart is heavy for you and your family. If you need to vent, talk, cry while someone listens of just someone on the other end pick up the phone. 5.5yrs ago my Dad ended his battle by taking his own life while in hospice care. My sisters were upstairs as was I. At least he told me beforehand ....... I've been in your place, my eyes water remembering that morning. I'm sorry you are in the place you are. Be there for your family, it will help. Nothing like the hug of a child. FYI.
  6. kjm1022
    05-31-2011 04:01 PM
    Thanks Teddy, Im a divorced dad too, I know how it is. I don't want to get in the way of you making money, that comes first, providing for your family. I'll probably just do an easy shore dive in Rockport and stab some flounder and see if I can grab a bug or two. My (new) wife wants to hit a beach while I dive so, somewhere easy is where I'll end up.
  7. Qdiver911
    05-31-2011 03:21 PM
    Kev, I'm doing service calls off sagamore beach Thursday. You are welcome to join me. I will be working but, you can look for bugs/shoot fishies while I work. Its tough owning a seasonal business in this economy AND making time for play and being a divorced/single Dad. Offer stands, best I can do for now. Have to make the $ while I can and still be a sponsor for Hannah Grace, WMVY, beach clean ups etc. Cheers, Teddy O
  8. kjm1022
    03-14-2011 05:54 PM
  9. BlueH20Freak
    03-14-2011 04:02 PM
    muzz thats not a PM ;-)
  10. kjm1022
    03-14-2011 01:37 PM
    Wow, that's a great tip! Thank you. Ill look that up. Rays.........isn't that how Steve Irwin died??? lol

About Me

  • About kjm1022
    Douglas, Ma
    Hunting, Skeet Shooting, Fishing
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  • Last Activity: 03-24-2023 03:31 PM
  • Join Date: 01-14-2011


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