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Mighty KC Mighty KC is offline

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  1. Mighty KC
    12-01-2016 05:11 AM
    Mighty KC

    I researched this prior to buying the New 4 stroke Mercury. The 2016 model 4 stroke 150 Merc weighs approx. 25lbs more than the 2003 model 150 2 stroke Merc that i originally had on the boat. I did not change anything on the boat other than buying the new motor and controls. even with me on the swim ladder or sitting on the stern (i am 6' 1" 230lbs) i dont notice water coming in the scuppers. No issues with weight of the motor. As far as performance, i think the speed is about the same. 35 knts with a normal load of 4 guys, gear and ice in a 1 ft or less sea. the fuel economy is better though, and it is very quiet.
  2. Anj1204
    11-30-2016 06:32 PM
    I sent this to cedric before figuring out that I needed to be sending it to you...
    Did you repower your boat with a 4 stroke? I have the same boat with a merc 2 stroke that runs great but quite exspensive to keep fueled and oiled. I want to repower to 4 stroke but not sure of extra weight, so then started thinking about an engine bracket. That opened up pandoras box then with wanting to move livewell to transom and opening up the cockpit. Anyways, if that is 4 stroke, how is it with extra weight of 4 stroke with that boat that is already stern heavy?
    Thanks brother
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  3. skram
    08-21-2016 08:25 PM
    My friends had 50ft on the rig past the triple rig last weekend. Waiting to here a report from their trip today. I was in Louisiana. We shot some nice cobia and snapper
  4. Nasnyder
    04-14-2016 10:04 PM
    Hi Keith,
    My name is Nate Snyder and I recently was directed to you from some friends and Spearos in Orange Beach. I am currently working as an intern at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. I have been spearfishing for a few years now and am looking to do as much as possible while living on the island. If you are ever looking for someone to pay for gas and ice please let me know. I am eager to dive and shoot some fish. My email is nasnyder@coastal.edu
  5. riley's hump
    11-15-2013 04:04 PM
    riley's hump
    You may have noticed I have been selling stuff. If you think of it ask if anyone wants to the two 119 hp steel fabors for $100 ea and two 30 al. for $15 each. Also have 4 80's for $25 each. All need hydros and selling aluminums for scarp price really. Just hate to scrap good gear. 119's and 30's never been used but one checkout in spring. Just put house up for sale on PBS magazine site. Know anyone wants hunt camp. $476,000? or fish camp Delta Port $37,500?
  6. Mainsailman
    04-15-2012 03:12 PM
    you still alive and diving? I am dying to get out to the rigs when you get a chance to head out again.
  7. paolo
    02-01-2012 02:33 AM
    Hey, thanks for the reply. I have a boat, so I could go out a few miles. Yeah, I've been to Down Under Diveshop one, but they were closing, seemed like really nice guys though.
    Can't wait to come over again and try some more freedive spearfishing. Thanks, I'll gladly let you know when I'm in town (should hopefully be like may/june).
  8. paolo
    01-31-2012 02:36 AM
    Hey, i saw you live and dive in the orange beach/gulf shores region. I'll be visiting in mobile this mai/june. Last time I was there i tried to do some freedive-spearfishing, but tge water where i was at was way too murky. Would you have tips on when and where?
  9. Mainsailman
    12-04-2011 02:09 PM
    Hey bud, this is Tom...the Gulf Shores post guy. You can reach me almost anytime at 251-300-1713. My daughter just picked up a wetsuit too.....she going to give it a (tenative..lol) shot.
  10. riley's hump
    03-22-2010 04:44 PM
    riley's hump
    I'm one up on you so far so be had better go diving soon. I was hog hunting and heard loud splashing in the slough. Went to check it out and saw large fish swimming by. Only had my wood arrows and grizzly head but hoped for a kill shot. Went nuts at hit but hoped in and finally got hand full of gills out and drug him to bank. 54lbs carp. Canned 13 pints of white meat.

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  • About Mighty KC
    Spearfishing Clubs
    no. use a speargun
    Make/Model of Boat
    19 ft cape horn
    Home Port


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  • Last Activity: 02-25-2021 09:36 PM
  • Join Date: 03-20-2005


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