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DagFish DagFish is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. el_cucuy
    03-01-2016 03:25 PM
    dags its orlando

    how are you brother?
  2. alejqandrocosmo
    07-24-2013 10:20 AM
    Thanks for the invite. I would love to do some line diving. My number is 7134476218. Around what day / days where you planning on going out?
  3. DagFish
    02-12-2013 10:22 AM
  4. Paul Benson
    02-11-2013 12:55 PM
    Paul Benson
    Hey, there is some weird message with a link getting sent to spearboard accounts. I replies to the sender askin them what's goin on but my message got sent to a couple other people. Damn computers
  5. FishFighter
    10-05-2012 12:32 PM
    the 120 is pending payment right now. If payment is not received by Monday, I have 2 other people in line. Thank you for the interest. I will keep you posted.

  6. G MAN
    06-10-2012 04:52 AM
    G MAN
    Had a look at the website. I think I'll have to book in for a course one day old buddy What's it cost to get a course going in Nth NSW I'm sure we can get Sol to Fly in from across the ditch. Valentine would be a definite start as well... Do I see a business trip coming up old mate?? Claim expenses on Tax?
  7. G MAN
    04-17-2012 12:32 AM
    G MAN
    Congrats on the certification Man! I'll send ya an email soon, full on here at the moment with kids, spearing and a Syd holiday coming up.
  8. G MAN
    03-21-2012 04:41 AM
    G MAN
    Big fish (wahoo) getting speared to the north and south of me, and I'm still stuck in the mud

    Mate of a mate nailed a 32 kg spanish 3 hours south of me ..... I'll be looking on their return journey north... Still got nearly 3 months of good season left. Just has to stop raining!!!

    I'll email soon, been busy of late.
  9. G MAN
    02-13-2012 10:01 PM
    G MAN
    Feb is good, just leave it till when we go into a drought cycle, and hopefully the greenback is stronger. Getting some fish just lately but having to travel.
  10. DagFish
    02-07-2012 01:32 PM
    Sorry to hear abouth the bad conditions. I think I am keen for February in the future.

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  • Last Activity: 12-12-2018 05:55 PM
  • Join Date: 06-12-2008


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