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SpearMax SpearMax is offline

Forum Administrator

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 117 of 117
  1. Tim Hatler
    06-18-2009 10:01 AM
    Tim Hatler
    the date is August 17-23, 2009
  2. Tim Hatler
    06-18-2009 10:01 AM
    Tim Hatler
    Hi Tony - did you get a chance to read my PM - can you post my upcoming event - who do I need to send it to? Thanks for your time
  3. Tim Hatler
    05-30-2009 09:03 AM
    Tim Hatler
    Hi Tony

    can you please post this in upcoming contests-Thanks

    REDSEA BAJA SHOOTOUT at Palapas Ventana

    This is a great "fun" tournament. It is a week trip with a 2 day contest in the middle. The comp is scored in buddy teams and is focused on pelagics but does include limited reef fishing as well. Target species are wahoo, dorado. Amberjack, Marlin, PArgo, Cabrilla, YFT. The tourny raises money for the ambulance here in our small town. The prizes from Speargear.com, Riffe, Hawaii Skin Diver, Red Sea, Maui Sporting goods, Hanaapa, and more are awesome plus cash prize for the winning team - all meals are included during your stay, all accommodations have AC and you get 5 full panga days for spearing - The vibe is really good and mellow with fishprinting, sahimi sessions, and a great awards party with a live band. Let me know if you have any questions
    Tim Hatler - Palapas Ventana
  4. wlkconsulting
    03-14-2009 02:16 AM
    Hi..I just posted my speargun device focus in Texas Gulf Coast if you dont mind....I see you left it in general..thanks...I just want feedback is all...please allow..Ill never do a mass post like that again...very sorry...Sure I wanted attention, but I thought it was harmless because I just wanted comments about it. Its not for sale yet...
  5. slimsteve
    03-06-2009 03:08 PM
    Hello Tony,
    I have been eagerly waiting for the florida may contest announcement but haven't found it yet. I am getting a little anxious as I need to request time off and make other arrangements like finding a buddy or hire a guide. Any idea when and how you will post the announcement.
  6. Seacidal
    02-22-2009 11:03 PM
    Got it! Of course!
  7. jfjf
    02-22-2009 09:59 AM

About Me

  • About SpearMax
    Owner of Spearboard.com, and Spear Wars Blue Storm Tournaments
    Florida USA
    Spearing, Filming, Diving
    Make/Model of Boat
    26' Goldline Boat with 420 HP Inboard Caterpillar Diesel
    Home Port
    Florida USA
  • Signature
    "Spearing is the path to enlightenment." --- Lao Tzu

    “Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find 'tomorrow' on the calendars of fools.”

    ---- Success Unlimited Author Og Mandino b.1923 - d.1996


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-04-2024 05:51 PM
  • Join Date: 05-24-2005


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