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Diablo Loco Diablo Loco is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 51
  1. Striper quest
    09-14-2017 12:25 AM
    Striper quest
    Ok, I will pay on Paypal
  2. Diablo Loco
    09-11-2017 08:32 PM
    Diablo Loco
    I am running behind. I will get you a price for shipping and total for you. Just very busy getting ready for a spearfishing tournament this next weekend and I leave Thursday early am. But I will get it done.
  3. Striper quest
    09-11-2017 05:16 PM
    Striper quest
    anthony marano
    4-6 west 14th st, #2
    ny ny 10011
  4. Diablo Loco
    08-05-2015 01:06 PM
    Diablo Loco
    Morey boards are more expensive. You do not really need a very expensive board. they will all fall apart at some point, due to the salt water. the Costco boards are fine, unless you want to get fancy or want to spend extra money. if you want quality and are willing to spend the money, then go to ebodyboards.com. they have the best selection and best prices.

    here is the website: http://www.ebodyboarding.com/
  5. Zpearo
    08-03-2015 09:09 PM
    Great, thanks for the info. Do you know anything about Morey boards? It looks to be a decent board (definitely better than the cheap WalMart/Costco boards), but I'm not really familiar with the different materials to know much more. I'll probably just go ahead and use some silicone anyways, just in case.
  6. Zpearo
    07-28-2015 11:38 PM
    Hey Diablo Loco,

    I have been looking at your bodyboard dive setups and am pretty impressed. I'm wondering, if you use SS bolts, nuts, and washers and tighten them down so they press into the board, do you still use some kind of sealant (silicone caulking or glue) to prevent waterlogging? Or does the pressed washer to enough to prevent waterlogging on its own?
  7. Axolotl
    02-09-2015 05:47 PM
    Hey Bryan, my spearboard account finally got approved! Can you please add me to the Tritons board?
  8. stinkbait
    01-15-2015 03:16 PM
    Hey Bryan any word on getting added to the triton section?
  9. Diablo Loco
    01-04-2015 07:31 PM
    Diablo Loco
    Yeah got yours on Friday and your dads on Tuesday. you are good to go. I will contact The owner of SB to get you added to the Triton section
  10. stinkbait
    01-03-2015 11:45 PM
    Hey Bryan just curious if you got my app to join the tritons and if so how do I get into the triton section of the forum?

About Me

  • About Diablo Loco
    Fresno, CA
    Scuba diving, flyfishing, racquetball, competition pistol shooting, and spearfishing.
    Self employed
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Monterey Bay Tritons, Fresno Scuba Club
  • Signature
    Bryan Mabrey

    Monterey Bay Triton's
    Dive Safety Officer

    "They don't call me 'Diablo Loco' for nothing."


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-05-2023 12:21 AM
  • Join Date: 06-05-2007


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