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Conversation Between ANYH2O and FWFishSlayer
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. FWFishSlayer
    06-03-2014 11:52 PM
    Do we have to join before the meet? or can we there? is it a separate charge to join RMSA and enter the meet? sorry for so many questions and thanks for the info. I have been wanting to join RMSA anyway so it should be good.
  2. ANYH2O
    06-02-2014 11:15 PM
    Starvation is a club meet, so please join RMSA it is the same price as entering the meet and it gets you a free shirt, Kids under 16 dive free.
    Go to www.rockymountainspearfishing.org to join and get up to date detail from Nat.
    2 divisions, lots of prizes, your best 10 carp and 5 walleye, point per fish and point per lb, see Nat for better details.

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