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Conversation Between ANYH2O and Fish-out-a-wata
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Fish-out-a-wata
    12-03-2013 03:08 PM
    I work in timeshare so i got a pretty good gig for places to stay. My buddy might be flaking on the kayak do you want to spend cash or are you just trying to trade?
  2. ANYH2O
    12-02-2013 09:24 AM
    No worries
    Baja is still open any time you want to visit, Just ck out the calendar at www.vrbo.com/339293
    If you see any tandem kayaks come up send them my way
  3. ANYH2O
    11-19-2013 06:23 PM
    So I have edge fins carbon, med, 44-46, pures med soft carbon 44-46, Imersions carbon 44-46 soft, and a bunch of plastic fins: cressi, mares, imersion.
    No luck on a mid sized wood gun

    If your at all interested in a Baja vacation I have a place in Baja: www.vrbo.com/339293 that we might trade stuff for a weeks vacation there??

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