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Conversation Between Ocean and "Yard-Sale Josh"
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. "Yard-Sale Josh"
    01-11-2014 09:41 PM
    "Yard-Sale Josh"
    Sent you a PM Ocean
  2. Ocean
    01-11-2014 02:35 AM
    Hello, thank you for your opinion, i am noobie (pro swimmer but new to diving)
    If you have a time could you please help me a little bit with gear.
    I planning to dive in pacific ocean California and Hawaii
    I want 120 banded spear gun ( can spend like 700$) ( for fish like 8-50lb) ( Beuchat Marlin Carbon US Specs ?)
    Probably Cressi-Sub Tecnica Wetsuit 3mm
    Aqualung Micromask Black or Cressi Nano Mask
    Suunto D4I Dive Computer
    cressi gara 3000 or Beuchat Mundial Competition Fins ( i find them for 80$ new)
    dont know anything about snorkels yet ( but thinking about Cressi-Sub Corsica or maybe Riffe Stable)
    and i don't know anything about weights yet
    Could you recommend me anything about it?
    Thank you!!!!

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