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Conversation Between Sherpa and skiff
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. skiff
    02-06-2012 10:59 AM
    Sherpa- I worked as a harbor patrolman on both a Farallon and Radon (*and currently own a Randerson...), so I've felt both. They are two completely different boats. The short story is that the Farallon is your classic deep vee hull, and as such, cuts pretty nicely going uphill but is dangerous running downhill in any sort of serious sea..........these boats can tend to round up or broach if pushed too hard? The Radon or Anderson is more of a 'deep belly' hull that will pound a little more running uphill, but feel (*and be) way safer running downhill, surfing with ease. Construction wise, the Farallons are 'screwed and glued', meaning, there's about 37 diff pieces all glued and screwed together to make the boat. The Radons and Andersons are true commercial, and the whole boat is one big block of fabricated together pieces. In storms, our Farallon used to creak and groan like a monster, but our Radon was super quiet and felt much, MUCH more well built.

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