Conversation Between Boss1 and bmurtha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
05-15-2012 03:32 PM
you can always google PWCaddy and you can see videos and all the specs for it.
05-15-2012 03:31 PM
Sorry I just saw your message! it works great!!! me and my dive partner have gone as far as 15 miles off shore from were we launched it! the box hold all of our gear and has 3 spear gun racks as well as a direct inject backup gas tank if you choose. What is great about the ski is A. it is fast and a lot of fun as I am sure you know. B. you cant flip it or sink it unless your a complete **** up! lol
hey man. Ive been around jetskis for the past year and have been learning a little more each time i ride one. Im assuming yours is a fourstroke but how well does it work for you diving. I see you have a box behind it...maybe for storage.