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Conversation Between diveincanada and Charliex
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. diveincanada
    09-23-2016 02:35 PM
    you spearfish in the Boston area ? Is it good ?
  2. Charliex
    09-15-2016 08:18 PM
    There are locals that do spear from shore and the easily accessed depths and locations show signs -smaller fish etc. There are massive areas that are untouched by fishing! I definitely want to go back. It would be nice to go with someone that free dive / spear. It is unsettling being out in the deep alone!! If you are ever in Boston area let me know
  3. diveincanada
    08-08-2016 01:46 PM
    Diving was awesome but I didn't spear at all... I was @ Club Med, it's a scuba destination. They're all pretty much against spearfishing.. They looked at me with my Palapas Spearfishing T-Shirt... Since there was no point in catching fish not having the resources to cook it, I didn't. But if you had a rental house or something like that, it would be amazing.. Lots of Big Snappers and groupers =)
  4. Charliex
    08-04-2016 06:08 PM
    How was the diving in San sal?

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