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Conversation Between pescadorrr and diver7
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. diver7
    05-27-2013 12:19 PM
    Sorry for the delay..I've been researching inflatables and what I want/need is a 12 footer max. Usage will be for coastal diving and as sailboat tender. Good Luck.
  2. pescadorrr
    05-17-2013 10:12 PM
    Are you interested in boat?
  3. pescadorrr
    04-21-2013 11:15 PM
    Hi there. The boat is actually in great shape. The motor is bullet proof and runs great!thete are two minor patches but the boat has no leaks and performs great. I'm asking 2400 buy my bottom is 2200.
    Call me if you are interested as I have a few people inquiring about it. She's been a great boat for me but I got a big boat an I need to let her go to a good home. Call me
    714 717 4275
  4. diver7
    04-17-2013 03:11 PM
    Hi Percadorrr, I'd like to inquire about your Quicksilver.
    How old is the zodiac itself? any patches on the rubber?
    I'm from North county San Diego, Carlsbad.

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