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Conversation Between charnut963 and Timinator
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Timinator
    10-31-2021 06:13 PM
    I spent 5 years driving back and forth to Roca Blanca and getting the one guy there to take me out and it never happened. Every excuse. You have to rent a boat in puerto and go up the coast to Roca Blanca if you want to dive there. I answered on your post. It's a bust. My buddy lives and dives there and he's only got a few nice fish in the last 5 years. I've been with him over a dozen times when I'm there and we never get anything worth lugging your gear there for. It "should" be good, but it's just not. I'm going back to Baja and buying a place there where I can have my own boat and go when and where I want. You can text or call me if you want. 937-478-7232 Go deep sea fishing instead, it's very good.
  2. charnut963
    10-31-2021 01:39 PM
    Hey man, saw your comments on Puerto Escondido on an old thread. I'll be there in February for a buddy's wedding and will be itching to get in the water for a shore dive. Would you be able to share any intel with me? Looks like not super promising, which makes me all the more want to get intel before lugging gear down or not. Rocky headlands right off mirador las tortugas near the airport hold any fish, or barren? Any tips on how to find a cheap guide or buddy if I wanted to do a quick dive on Roca Blanca one morning? Text me if a quick 5 min call easiest... 513-658-9179. Appreciate it!

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