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Conversation Between gcracker89 and Ancient Diver
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Ancient Diver
    04-23-2011 01:12 PM
    Ancient Diver
    your avatar is a riot. I saw it last year but couldn't find it. Told my 16 year old about it. He wants to see it, so when I get home, and happen to catch him home at the same time, I am going to show him how easy it is to train a cat when Mrs. Smith & Wesson are doing the training. Amazing how that works. And who says cats aren't trainable? I am 60, live in Sarasota, been diving all my life, have 3 kayaks and cute little dive and yak trailer. Let me know if you want to dive sometime. my boys have decided that girls are more interesting than diving. go figure. will in sarasota
  2. Ancient Diver
    04-23-2011 01:00 PM
    Ancient Diver
    your avatar is a riot. I saw it last year but couldn't find it. Told my 16 year old about it. He wants to see it, so when I get home, and happen to catch him home at the same time, I am going to show him how easy it is to train a cat when Mrs. Smith & Wesson are doing the training. Amazing how that works. And who says cats aren't trainable? I am 60, live in Sarasota, been diving all my life, have 3 kayaks and cute little dive and yak trailer. Let me know if you want to dive sometime. my boys have decided that girls are more interesting than diving. go figure. will in sarasota

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