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Conversation Between Md Spear and spearq8
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Md Spear
    09-22-2009 06:44 AM
    Md Spear
    No , all you can do is set it for [like mine 15 ft or so. ] Make sure the bands are new and maybe 1" or so shorter than stock as that will keep it right on the money for 1-18 ft.Shaft drop is rapid after 18 ft, so dont use too long a spear shaft as every once of sttel now drops the shaft on the long shot.
  2. spearq8
    09-19-2009 02:44 AM

    Thanks and interesting stuff. Can you tell me if you are able to adjust your point of impact and how much is needed for adjustment. I am especially interested in vertical change as I would like my gun to be sighted in at 6 meters and when I did the match it seems that I would have to elevate the back sight quite a bit to compensate for 6 inch drop. Again thanks for the reply.

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