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Conversation Between doyenofcastle and Diving Gecko
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. doyenofcastle
    06-03-2017 09:47 AM
    hello ,

    How are you, ,my estimation not work and got very heavy gun sinker ,I plan to make big one and need to calculate the stock total weight before starting so at the end I don't waste time for sinker gun
  2. Diving Gecko
    06-03-2017 04:09 AM
    Diving Gecko
    Mosaad, right?
    In regards to your latest thread about what your wood should weigh, we talked about the exact same things you are asking now in Nov. on http://spearfishing.world/.

    And reading through that thread I can even see that you know how to define the SG in your CAD. So... I just spent a long time answering things you already know and that I answered a long time ago. Maybe you forgot in your eagerness to start a new build.

    Anyways, good luck with the build;-)


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