Conversation Between popgun pete and Jamie______T
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Looking for some help if you can. I made a few days ago in regards to loss of pressure on my Cyarno 700
I sent down to spearfishing world in spring to get overhaul and they replaced all o rings. Gun worked fine till end of July. Went to go dive and had no pressure when I loaded at beginning of dive. I called SPW and sent down gun again to have the look at it. They said everything was fine. Got gun back and it worked for two more dives then same problem. I put a gauge on it and it read 10 bar. I filled up to 18 and left gauge in for 36hr and it held pressure. So I pumped gun up to 27 and it held for less the 24 hrs and wend back to 10 bar. I really don't want to send back to SPW for them to tell me it's fine and pay them again for the 3x.
I filled gun and placed in water and noticed a slow leak from the trigger area. Would you be able to let me know how to fix the issue.