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Conversation Between riley's hump and hydroid
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. hydroid
    04-15-2015 03:00 PM
    I hear you are in Hawaii now, where are you located? I may be taking a job here in Hilo.
    Bo Dearmon
  2. riley's hump
    05-09-2012 11:49 AM
    riley's hump
    Give me a call sometimes when you get back 251-276-0098 or 907-209-1873. Sometimes in tropic areas dive resorts put out the word spearing is illegal when officially it is not. i don't know particulars of Honduras. I'm sure locals spear.
  3. hydroid
    05-08-2012 01:42 AM
    Hey Sterling, how's it going? Did you see the reply that Spearfishing is not allowed in the Bay Islands? I may have to look at somewhere else. Looks like there's alot of folks in our area that go out spearing, I can't wait to get home to make some new aquantinces. We'll have to get together soon
  4. riley's hump
    05-03-2012 01:06 PM
    riley's hump
    I live up above Jackson but have little cabin I built near Dauphin Island where I keep boat and we spend a lot of time in summer. Bay Islands are wonderful but haven't been since 80's. I'm sort of hard to get hold of as I live off the grid and phone just rings if I'm not around.My son lives in Daphne so we are down that way too. Call evenings 251-276-0098 when at boat 907-209-1873
    Sterling Holbrook
  5. hydroid
    05-02-2012 05:03 PM
    Hey Sterling, where are you located? I'll be back in Alabama around the last part of July. My wife and I have talked about taking a trip to Guanja Honduras at some point.
    We should get together.
    Bo Dearmon
  6. riley's hump
    05-02-2012 02:39 PM
    riley's hump
    Hydroid i sent yopu a private i think about the Bay Islands and getting together sometine off AL I'm not sure if it went through.
    Sterling Holbrook

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