Conversation Between Chiung and seamoore
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
Cannon - will let you know - A few people have already contacted me...
I called you earlier I would like to go if you still have an open spot. My # (386)-871-2262
I was just letting you know that you have a spot for thurs if weather permits.
hey cannon, I'm going on darius' boat. I'll ask around to see who has room for one...
Hey Chiung are you guys planning a trip for the opening of grouper season? I'm looking for a ride out my boat doesnt look like it will be done in time.
hey cannon, should be picking my boat up today and will let you know. seas are cold now.
Hey. I had a great time with you guys and learned a few things also so thats even better. Nice work on the bugs and fish. Hope to go again soon I think I'm drying out already.Call if you need another diver sometime.(386)589-1350