Conversation Between 1911Diver and huntinchip
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Oh, right ya thats who took the photo, I've hunted with him twice and seemed like a stand up dude, I'm not sure what happened to his guide service though. I tryed hooking up with him to kill another pig but ended up finding that his site has been taken down and there is a bunch of nasty things posted about him on some hunting forums, which from what I picked up was all wrong. Dude was always extremely cool and nice, excited to hunt and teach you about anything along the hunt. I recommended him to several friends. Unfortunate.
Ok thanks, saw the picture of your aviator with the running wild guide service stamp on it. There was a former boar guide that owned an operation with a similar name.
No, man who the hell is TJ?