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Conversation Between Spearforfun and lineskis
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. lineskis
    07-12-2013 06:04 PM
    Hey thanks alot. Im studying up on the fish takes. we are going to head up to childrens pool on saturday. Ive read some stories of people not letting you go in there. Im assuming its ok to go in just like you said dont mess with the seals. agian thanks for the info man
  2. Spearforfun
    07-09-2013 12:18 PM
    Before hitting La Jolla, I recommend that you look at the following publication: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.a...93&inline=true
    both north and south La Jolla have MPAs and you should know the boundaries by heart before going out. They are no-take mpa's and you will get ticketed if you go in them. Central La Jolla is really the place to go. Children's Pool (don't disturb seals), South Casa, Hospital Point, Marine Street and north Windansea are good spots. Boomers is for a little bit more advanced divers because of the difficult entry. You should see plenty of kelp bass, sheephead and perch. You might see seabass etc.... Know the regulations before you go and the size limits/bag limits. You can find info here: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/marine/mapregs5.asp
    KNOW before you shoot. If you aren't sure, let it go. Good luck! If you decide to join a club, look up the San Diego Freedivers and you will make a ton of friends.
  3. lineskis
    07-09-2013 10:54 AM
    Hey man i was wondering if you could give some tips on spearing in la jolla. Im trying to find the regulations but having trouble. Me and some friends are trying to go on saturday 7/13/13. This is our first time spearfishing so any advice would help. thanks

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