Conversation Between Du7chOv3n and OahuFreediver
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Yo bro you back in hawaii? I remember before I deployed you were talking about getting back over to oahu. Im still in afghanistan but will be back mid march
Aloha Mike! Well im stoked your pumped for some diving! I havnt been in the water for a year im aching to get in! My number is 603-438-9139 il deff give you a buzz! The One Love Marley reference deff put a smile on my face ha! His music always cheers me up, however Bobby Mcferrin's Dont worry be Happy has been my fav song since i could barely walk apparently as my mom says haha. Have a goodone bro!
Damn right dude I look forward to your return man it is beautiful here Im stayin with a friend in north shore and am blessed enough to have the ocean in our back yard leftovers and aligator rock is right behind us so **** yea have a safe trip back homie and call your boy mike 314 458 1624 I will dive all day every day one love