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Conversation Between gspearguns and popgun pete
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. gspearguns
    02-24-2017 04:15 PM
    I found this Ishida Katsuos patent from 2001/2002. http://www.fishingpatents.com/japan-...-patents.shtml
  2. popgun pete
    02-24-2017 03:57 PM
    popgun pete
    The Hurricane "Comet" seen here for a rollergun. http://www.skindivinghistory.com/gea...ing-rol02.html
    Ted Egan's cable rollergun, I have no photo of it, although it still exists, but is now broken. As for sliding pulleys I have no knowledge of which was first, demultiplying the band drive was not considered a good idea as it weakens the shot, unless you increase the bands.
  3. gspearguns
    02-24-2017 03:43 PM
    Hi Pete!

    As I can see you are the living archive of spearguns history. Can you tell me what is the oldest speargun with moveable pulley priciple you know? Ad if you have some picture of it


  4. gspearguns
    11-28-2016 05:44 PM
    Hi Pete!
    Can you give me your email address. I have pictures of double shaft speargun to send you if you wish. it's work of one guy from Croatia.


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