Conversation Between abeleko and Princeiviasry
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
Hey man, sorry for the late response, I havent been on spearboard in a while, busy with a second job. anyway im 9172828512 (*Abel), maybe we can link up sometime if youre still interested
Hey, what's up bro, I came across your thread. I'm just like you , a newbie. I'm from bk too. Sound like there's not a lot of spear fishermen here. I always go to cedar beach for rod and reel fishing and I met a guy there who told me its a great spot for spearfishing. I really wnaa give it a shot but no one to go with. Let me know if you wnaa join. And if you know any good spots here in bk or anywhere else around NYC. Best of luck