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Conversation Between paolo and Murk_Man'22
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. paolo
    09-17-2015 12:41 AM
    hey man
    aw shoots, won`t be over for a while, so not until next year i`m pretty sure. i`ll be sure to let you know when i come over to visit again though.
    How`s it been? slaying some nice fish? still shorediving?
  2. Murk_Man'22
    09-16-2015 06:58 PM
    he paolo up for a trip soon?
  3. paolo
    02-15-2012 03:54 AM
    hey, thought i`d add you as a "friend", that way i won`t have to go looking for ya when i come over eventually.
    I was looking for pics here on spear board, but failed to find any (well, like a part of the forum for pics or pics in your account). any idea?
    tight ropes and diving floats

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