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Conversation Between fishbuster229 and 2GuysFishCo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. 2GuysFishCo
    10-07-2011 06:37 AM
    Hey! Your Randy aren't ya? We are looking for an extra gut now and then for sure. We have an RS, but no grouper snapper so we are limited to flounder for $$$$ and the occasional cobia. We keep our triggers, 'gos, grouper, etc... and sell them to friends and pay for our diving. Our boats are both 22ft (now) and are shoppping a 26-27ft'er. Our split is like this, and most other commerecial guys. 30% off the topfor the boat (we are incorporated and that pays our taxes on your fish money, boat and truck maintenance and repairs, etc...) then after that you pay your 1/3 split of gas and ice. Both our boats sip, so a trip out of PC is usually 150.00 shot per man (10 flatties at 5lbs each @ 3.00lb) minus your 30% leaves you 105.00 take out 30 for gas and you get 75 bucks and keep your other fish to sell or eat. After we get a bigger boat, and register it commercially we can keep unlimited flounder (@3.00 per lb)

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