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Conversation Between deepdestroyer and maddog
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. deepdestroyer
    11-11-2011 12:24 PM
    Hmm, Ive never heard of Corbo...post up some pics whenever you get it. Sorry, I don't really have anything new to contribute, Im sure any custom builder knows everything I do, and some.
  2. maddog
    11-11-2011 12:12 PM
    Yea John, I don"t sign on often either so I guess its lucky I saw your responce. I took home a certificate for a custom gun from "Corbo" in Miami. I plan to have a gun built, the prize allows up to $1500. If you have any cutting edge technology, please foreward so I might incorporate it in this build. Thanks again Carl
  3. maddog
    07-29-2011 08:16 AM
    Hey John, I havent seen you on the board lately. Thought I'd thank you again for your efforts in builing my custom gun. Look at the 2011 Big Bang Tournament picts. I was able to finish 3rd overall. That gun still Kills! Thank You !
  4. maddog
    08-14-2009 08:49 PM
    Saw your post, sorry the vis is so poor! We have absolutely killed out of Ponce lately. The fish are lethargic due to coldddddd! If you can get vis you"ll slay em.

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