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Conversation Between Seafood Art and Ydiveman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Ydiveman
    07-12-2012 05:22 PM
    Absolutely Art. I usually dive with Steve Kelly. I run the YMCA Aquatic Center in Orlando, and I have a scuba shop attached to my facility which is handy Up until recently I had been primarily diving Jupiter on the Emerald with RJ, but our buddy Peter Lim re-purchased a condo in Ponce with his 30ft cat docked right outside his door, so we've been doing that. Peter is a semi-retired dentist. Our other regular on his boat is Barry. Big dude with a beard. You may know him also. Peter has an awesome set-up on his boat, with split hatch deck storage for tanks so you can lower used tanks down without having to untether all the racked tanks. We can easily take a 5th guy, so I will absolutely let you know when we are looking for another guy to head out. We are heading for the Emerald this Sunday. My cell is 407-902-4947, so you know it's me if I call. Steve Corrie. I'll be in touch

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