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Conversation Between sharpshooter and Seafood Art
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Seafood Art
    04-23-2022 04:08 AM
    Seafood Art
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for responding. You guys seem like a good fit. I'd like to discuss more and send you some photos. This is kind of luxury diving.
    I've been diving since 1991 500+ dive. Decent hunter but no cowboy. My goal is to go some of the towers near Dry Tortuga. Did a successfull 3 day trip to DT 3 years ago on my old boat. I have a OUPV Captain license.

    Please contact me at artbravo62@gmail.com. I want to send you some photos and more info.
    Here is a youtube video of the Florida Loop Trip I made with friends last year. This is my boat we'd go on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJd9jVVxQQI

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Art B

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